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5 simple ways to bring nature into your busy life

People say that time heals all negative feelings. I know that it’s true for many including myself but I have found that we recover faster when we are out in nature.

I grew up on a farm and I was always surrounded by beautiful greenery. Whenever I got upset or angry, I’d often sit on the banks of a creek to calm myself. The simple act of sitting beneath the trees and hearing the sound of water rushing by brought me peace like nothing else ever would.

A few years ago, I moved out of the farm to a big city filled with noisy and crowded streets. Even though the city has great green spaces, I found it really hard to adjust and I could never find the time to visit the amazing bushlands surrounding the city.

I realized that being cooped up in my apartment all day was taking a toll on my body and mind. One day, my friend took me to a beautiful, lush park that is located just 10 minutes away from my apartment. Now I make it a point to go there every day and enjoy the peaceful time amidst nature as I’ve often done while growing up.

I have always wondered whether other people feel a sense of calmness when they are surrounded by nature. It turns out that everyone does feel that way. Spending time in nature is very essential for our mental health.

Did you know that even hospitals have set up beautiful green spaces especially for patients to recover from trauma after surgery? Such is the healing power of nature. 

Nature rejuvenates

Being surrounded by nature even for a few moments can improve your emotional well-being a lot and reduce your stress levels. Breathing in fresh air increases your oxygen intake and clears your mind of worries. The greenery we see soothes our eyes and gives us a sense of hope.

A few centuries ago, people did not have all the comforts that we enjoy today that make us stay indoors for long periods of time. They had to work outside and they were exposed to all the natural elements. That is not the case today.

Our office work and social life have forced us to be confined within four walls. Most of us live in urban spaces now and I know that it is hard to find the time or energy to go outdoors after running to and from work.

So, let me tell you 5 simple ways you can bring nature’s healing power into your busy life.

1. Go for a walk in your local park

central park, new york, manhattan

Something as simple as taking a walk through my local neighbourhood park every day improves my mood significantly. There are many parks in cities around the world that offer a quiet refuge from the hustle and bustle of modern life.

I find that setting aside a particular time either in the mornings or evenings to go out to the park every day makes it into a sort of routine activity. You can stroll through the park alone or with your family and pets. Just enjoy the sights and sounds of the trees brimming with life around you as you walk through the park.

People in Japan practice this form of natural healing and they call it ‘Forest bathing’. It is a practice that makes us connect with nature using all our five senses simply by walking beneath a canopy of trees and observing the natural settings around us.

2. Spend a weekend in a forest

mountains, trees, fog

If you feel bored on weekends and love travelling to new places, going to a forest near your city and spending a relaxing weekend amidst wildlife is the perfect way to relieve built-up stress.

I used to go to a national park with my family every month when I was young. These trips made me fall in love with nature even more.

If you are adventurous, you can take your camping gear along and spend a night under the stars. This will truly rejuvenate your body and mind.

3. Relax in your garden

You can always sit in your own backyard if you are not willing to drive all the way to a national park.

A great way to do this is to place garden furniture or stone benches in a peaceful corner of your garden. Decorate this space by planting perennial flowering plants and big leafy palms to transform the space into your own little secret garden.

Spend some time there in the evenings after work with an interesting book and some freshly brewed hot coffee. If you like to work out in the mornings, try doing it outside where you can breathe fresh air and hear the birds chirping.

4. Start gardening as a hobby

Gardening is another great way to spend time outside in your very own backyard. It’s a good excuse to get out of your house for a few minutes to relieve stress.

Plant flowering shrubs and herbs that attract bees and other wildlife. You can also set up an organic kitchen garden from which you can harvest delicious homegrown veggies and fruits all year round.

Or if you live in an apartment like me, you could keep indoor plants that don’t require much sunlight. Placing air-purifying plants like peace lilies, spider plants, etc around your house is not only beneficial for your health but it can also serve as decorative pieces when these plants are kept in beautiful ceramic pots.

5. Nature on your screen

If you don’t find enough time to do any of these activities during hectic weeks filled with endless meetings and project deadlines, just add a beautiful scenery of a forest or even a single flower as wallpaper on your computer or smartphone.

This will really help with soothing your mind. You could also listen to some calming sounds of bird calls or the waves to feel alive and in touch with nature.

I hope you get a respite from all the stress and negativities that life throws at you by doing these activities. What other simple ways can you think of to fit nature into your busy schedule?

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